Home Services

Home Services Approach

Our Strategy

As a Premier Google Partner with substantial experience in advertising for local service companies, we know how to generate high-quality leads that result in kept appointments and new business. Our goal is to make sure your brand is the answer that consumers have been looking for all this time.

Local Targeting Playbook

Keyword tactics for local service companies are vastly different from general nationwide campaign targeting practices. To ensure your success, our internal playbook is filled with targeting strategies specifically formulated for the local marketplace.

Full-Service Creative Team

Leave out the creative guesswork. We create eye-catching ads and landing pages that encourage confidence, urgency, and action during the consumer journey. Our creative aims to provide better leads and higher closing rates.

Customer Nurturing and Retention

Win customers by engaging on their terms. Whether the prospect is looking to call, request an estimate, or message for more information, we can guide you to create a tailored journey that will win first-time prospects and keep current customers coming back.

Create Data-Driven Growth

Strategically boost your growth through purposeful targeting and testing. Discover which promotions create the biggest lift, what cities are the most receptive to your marketing, and which CTA's help re-engage your current customer base.


Case Study

RoofTek is a full-service roofing company with the leading number of residential re-roofing contracts in Utah. They previously purchased leads from lead aggregators that resulted in a 30% lead to appointment rate. After harnessing the digital power of Max Connect, Rooftek experienced a 66% lead to appointment rate, doubling their outcome.


L.T.A. Rate Before Max Connect


L.T.A. Rate After Max Connect

Hyper-Targeting Your Audience

Our Home Service Solutions

By using a true omni-channel approach, your digital marketing can provide a seamless experience to your customers.

Our partners

Brands That We've Helped Rise To The Top

We customize data-driven, performance solutions to help launch, scale, and invigorate businesses of all sizes, industries, and revenue models.

Creative Assets

What We've Created

See for yourself the passion we pour into our work. Our creativity and expertise is unparalleled.

We continually imagine how the experience can be better for our clients and their customers. We put our clients first and do everything we can to deliver business outcomes.

Phil Case, President

Max Connect Marketing

3/4 of The Partners


Agency Insights

Go behind the scenes and discover the processes, strategies and insights that drive our creative, culture, and ultimately, our clients’ success.

Your Brand Needs To Shine