The hands of school graduates throwing their hats up into the sky.

Higher Education

Build Your Reputation

Our Higher Ed Strategy

We work our digital marketing magic by helping your program filter prospective students to target the perfect candidates. We deploy opportunity-based campaigns centered around action items like application deadlines, as well as long-term campaigns that build a reputable brand image in consumer mindshare.

Audience Identification & Ad Delivery

We utilize nuanced audience data to help your program pinpoint the ideal student for ad delivery. We then deliver relevant ads based on the spectrum of your educational offerings, matching prospective students with ads that showcase the specific educational offering that is most likely to engage them.

Real Time Engagement Analysis

Utilizing our proprietary business intelligence software, Kudos, we can optimize your campaigns based on the exact messaging, keywords, channels, and creative that are driving the best results. We actively adapt campaigns based on the data, giving you the benefit of a team committed to your success.

Program & Infrastructure Marketing

The key to driving increased engagement is to ensure that your messaging is hyper-relevant. We check that your marketing strategies align with the current interest of your students. If the interest of prospective students is unknown, we will conduct audience research to uncover insights that formulate strong marketing strategies.

Creative Optimizations

Building a strong brand image is crucial for maintaining credibility and student pride. The creative feel of your media will either attract or repel prospective students. That’s why we place special attention on crafting highly-resonating creative that matches your brand image, mission, and values.

University of Utah

Case Study

During Fall of 2021, University of Utah recruited the help of Max Connect to build prominence in consumer mindshare and increase admissions. We created a media plan that placed a heavy emphasis on Programmatic Display to build a memorable brand image. The placement of this campaign correlated with a 63% increase in goal completions from direct traffic and 40% of all search traffic being attributable to branded searches.


Increase in Goal Completions


of All Search Traffic Attributable to Branded Searches

Hyper-Targeting Your Audience

Our Higher Ed Solutions

Our digital marketing approach is always crafted by the specific needs and nuances that define your institution.

Our partners

Brands That We've Helped Rise To The Top

We customize data-driven, performance solutions to help launch, scale, and invigorate businesses of all sizes, industries, and revenue models.

Nightingale College

Case Study

Nightingale College came to Max Connect in 2018 with the simple, yet imperative need of enrolling more students into their program offerings. Operating in the shadow of other local universities, Nightingale was looking to craft a credible reputation that would help them become noticed and considered. Max Connect deployed an omni-channel campaign that built brand awareness and hyper-targeted prospective students. From 2018 to 2022, the number of students enrolled increased from 250 to over 3,000.


Increase in Enrollment


More Engagement With Website

Our Services

What We've Created

See for yourself the passion we pour into our work. Our creativity and expertise is unparalleled.

The money we are investing with Max Connect is one of the most productive spends we are making.

Ben Keating

Keating Auto Group

Not only has my web traffic skyrocketed, they have been really easy to work with. Communication has been excellent.

Mark Thackeray

3/4 of The Partners


Agency Insights

Go behind the scenes and discover the processes, strategies and insights that drive our creative, culture, and ultimately, our clients’ success.

Your Brand Needs To Shine