Video Advertising

At Max Connect Digital, we understand that video ads are the heartbeat of digital marketing. Our mission is to craft compelling video content that not only captures the viewer’s attention but also holds it, guiding them from initial curiosity to the final click-through. With a focus on the latest video ad formats and platforms, our video advertising strategy is tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients.

Your Brand, Amplified by Video Advertising

What is Video Advertising?

Online video advertising is the strategy that connects your brand with your target audience through compelling video content across various online platforms. It can take many forms, from short, snappy social media clips to longer, in-depth explainer videos. It's a dynamic way to engage with potential customers, build brand awareness, and boost conversions. At Max Connect Digital, we craft online video ads that are not just seen but remembered, ensuring your message breaks through the noise and sticks with the viewer.

OTT Video Advertising: The Cutting-Edge Platform

OTT (Over The Top) video advertising represents the new horizon in targeted ads. It allows you to reach viewers directly through streaming video services and platforms, bypassing traditional cable or broadcast TV. With our over the top ads, your brand can connect with cord-cutters and streamers in a more personal and impactful way, using data-driven marketing strategies to reach the right audience at the right time.

Pre-Roll Video Advertising: Grab Attention from the Start

Pre-roll video ads are the short, compelling videos that play before a user's chosen content. These ads are prime real estate for making an impact—viewers are primed for engagement, and your message is front and center. Our team at Max Connect Digital creates pre-roll content that's not just a precursor to what viewers came to watch but a memorable and persuasive experience of its own.

Video Marketing on Social Media: Seizing Opportunities Across Platforms

Social media is the playground where brands and potential customers interact daily. Our video marketing leverages algorithms on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok to maximize your ad spend and elevate click-through rates. Through compelling video that is optimized for both mobile devices and desktop, we ensure your message is seen and heard.

Silver Crossover Vehicle Driving

Arrowhead BMW

Case Study

Arrowhead BMW averaged 80 car sales per month until Max Connect was hired to employ a hyper-targeted campaign that resulted in dramatic growth.


Vehicles Sold in First 30 Days


Performance Increase


Annual Revenue

Why Choose Max Connect Digital for Your Video Advertising Needs?

Expertise in Storytelling

With an innate passion for storytelling, we transform your brand's unique narrative into an engaging visual experience. Our team of creative storytellers crafts video content that embodies your values, mission, and the unique selling points that set you apart. We're not just creating ads. We're bringing to life a story that connects with your audience on an emotional level, making your brand unforgettable.

Data-Driven Strategies

Data is the compass that guides successful video advertising campaigns. Our strategies are fueled by robust analytics, ensuring that every decision made is informed by data. By precisely targeting demographics, interests, and behaviors, we ensure that your video content reaches the right audience at the right time, on the right platforms, increasing engagement and fostering brand loyalty.

Multi-Platform Presence

We curate your video advertising strategy to thrive across multiple platforms. Our expertise spans from traditional social media platforms to the latest OTT services, ensuring that your video ads garner attention regardless of where your audience chooses to consume content. By creating platform-specific video content, we optimize for the unique user behaviors associated with each channel, whether it's the short videos of TikTok or the cinematic potential of YouTube videos.

Results-Oriented Approach

At the heart of our video ad campaigns lies a relentless pursuit of conversions. Whether it’s through a strategic CTA placement in a pre-roll ad or through interactive banner ads complementing your video content, our goal is to transform viewers into loyal customers. We constantly refine our approaches based on conversion rate data to maximize your return on investment.

High-Quality Video Production

Our production team uses cutting-edge equipment and software to bring your vision to life with cinematic quality. With a finger on the pulse of emerging trends and techniques, we push the boundaries of what digital video advertising can achieve, ensuring that the content we produce for you stands out in a saturated market.

University of Utah

Case Study

During Fall of 2021, University of Utah recruited the help of Max Connect to build prominence in consumer mindshare and increase admissions. We created a media plan that placed a heavy emphasis on Programmatic Display to build a memorable brand image. The placement of this campaign correlated with a 63% increase in goal completions from direct traffic and 40% of all search traffic being attributable to branded searches.


Increase in Goal Completions


of All Search Traffic Attributable to Branded Searches

Let’s Build Your Brand Together

Connect with Us Today

Our team is passionate about crafting effective video narratives that tell your brand message and secure a lasting impression on your audience. From the first spark of an idea to the final metrics analysis, our comprehensive video advertising services are designed to navigate the nuances of digital video advertising, ensuring that every second of your ad spend counts. Reach out to us, and let's create video content that not only tells your story but also turns viewers into customers.

More Than Just Insights

3/4 of The Partners


Hard Work Pays Off

We pride ourselves with having the best digital experts in the industry. Our awards are evidence of a high-quality work that we are dedicated to producing.