Opening Remarks

9:30 AM

What It Takes To Be A Champion in Business & On The Track

9:35 AM

2024 Economic Landscape: Why Your Advertising Should Be As Agile As Ever

10:35 AM

How to Grow A Successful Business From The Ground Up

10:40 AM

Kudos 2.0 Showcase: The Marketing Tech of Tomorrow

11:15 AM

Innovation or Stagnation: Staying Relevant In a Crowded Market

11:20 AM

How to Build A Brand That Lasts the Test of Time

12:45 PM

The Science Behind Brand Familiarity: How Many Expoures Lead To Conversions?

1:25 PM

Breakout A1: Why Paid Video Is Your Greatest Super Power

1:30 PM

Breakout B1: Mastering Your Marketing Funnel from Top to Bottom

2:15 PM


Breakout A2: Strategies for Making Your First Party Data Work For You

1:30 PM

Breakout B2: Building Trust With Content

2:15 PM

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